Religious Freedom
Disclaimer: The writing are my sole thoughts and understanding, my intention is to project my thoughts and not to hurt anyone's belief.
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it; anything but live for it.”
―Charles Caleb Colton
Religion is a most sensitive thing to talk about. Religion knowingly or unknowingly has divided boundaries of countries in the past, at present and in the future too it will. Take for example India and Pakistan, it was divided in the sole interest of religion. The present fight by ISIS is also done in the name of religion. Israel and Palestine are divided based on their religious belief. All the religion talks about love, passion and peace but all that religion has created is hatred among people. It has divided the earth into countries, race and cast-ism.
Religious freedom, is about an individual's freedom to practice any religion of their choice without the fear or persuasion of other person. A freedom to search and find the belief and peace. Religious intolerance is in the high, people are risking everything to preach their own religious agenda of prosperity, they want so badly to increase their number that they start luring people with goodies and creating fear inside the people.
If my parents are from particular religion, they expect their children to also follow the same religion, their nothing wrong in that because they have found the truth and they preach the truth to their kids but they don't allow their children to explore. A person must search and find the truth, as it is quoted "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free".
Religion is a main cause of division among people, people don't mingle with other religion people easily. When I say mingle, it means in larger role (Marriage, making friends and finding love). Most of us don't easily get along with other religion people. Its sin in India to get married to another religion people. Lots of war which were fought were due to religious intolerance, for example the French Wars of Religion, Second Sudanese Civil War, Thirty Years' War, Crusades, Lebanese Civil War. Even today lots of war are fought due to religious intolerance.
In India religion tolerance is in high, the problem is not with the political parties who to gain political mileage give inflammation speeches on religion but the people who don't realise the motto behind this speeches. Religion should be never mixed with politics because religion is the most private belief and though of a person. I can be born to an religion family, brought up in any religion school but no one should question me on my religious view and also I should never be be divided based on religion on which school to attend, where to go and what to eat. Its so unfair when you think about it, am I suppose to fall in love with a girl after asking her which religion she belongs to or just for the cause of religion should I dump a girl. It is insane when you think about the law we have created. Honour killing is the best example of how we have created a total nuisance from the religion.
Respect is a powerful word, we need to respect all religion. Respecting a religion doesn't mean following that particular religion. It just mean "I am okay with you following your religion, and please respect mine".
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it; anything but live for it.”
―Charles Caleb Colton

Religious freedom, is about an individual's freedom to practice any religion of their choice without the fear or persuasion of other person. A freedom to search and find the belief and peace. Religious intolerance is in the high, people are risking everything to preach their own religious agenda of prosperity, they want so badly to increase their number that they start luring people with goodies and creating fear inside the people.
If my parents are from particular religion, they expect their children to also follow the same religion, their nothing wrong in that because they have found the truth and they preach the truth to their kids but they don't allow their children to explore. A person must search and find the truth, as it is quoted "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free".
Religion is a main cause of division among people, people don't mingle with other religion people easily. When I say mingle, it means in larger role (Marriage, making friends and finding love). Most of us don't easily get along with other religion people. Its sin in India to get married to another religion people. Lots of war which were fought were due to religious intolerance, for example the French Wars of Religion, Second Sudanese Civil War, Thirty Years' War, Crusades, Lebanese Civil War. Even today lots of war are fought due to religious intolerance.
In India religion tolerance is in high, the problem is not with the political parties who to gain political mileage give inflammation speeches on religion but the people who don't realise the motto behind this speeches. Religion should be never mixed with politics because religion is the most private belief and though of a person. I can be born to an religion family, brought up in any religion school but no one should question me on my religious view and also I should never be be divided based on religion on which school to attend, where to go and what to eat. Its so unfair when you think about it, am I suppose to fall in love with a girl after asking her which religion she belongs to or just for the cause of religion should I dump a girl. It is insane when you think about the law we have created. Honour killing is the best example of how we have created a total nuisance from the religion.
Respect is a powerful word, we need to respect all religion. Respecting a religion doesn't mean following that particular religion. It just mean "I am okay with you following your religion, and please respect mine".
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