7 Characteristics of an Introvert
Introversion is a personality trait. Introversion is not the same thing as social anxiety or shyness. Being an introvert does not mean that you are socially anxious or shy. Shyness indicates a fear of people or social situations. Introverts, on the other hand, simply do not like to spend lots of time interacting with other people. Some of the introverts can be shy. They find large group gatherings draining because they seek depth instead of breadth of relationships. Attention seeking people annoys them.
1. They don’t hate human, just lot of them make them
Have you ever felt like an outsider in the middle of social gatherings
and group activities, even with people you know? This is what an introvert

Many introverted people come to believe that there’s something “wrong”
with them if they’re naturally less outspoken and assertive than their peers.
Introverted adults often say that as children, they were told to come out of
their shells or participate more
in class.
2. They don’t hate having talks, unless they can connect.

introvert have a penchant for philosophical conversations and a love of
thought-provoking books and movies.
3. No, they are not lonely. They recharge themselves having “Alone Time”.
One of the
most fundamental characteristics of introverts is that they need ti
me alone to
recharge their batteries.

Introverts often “escape” from a situation by zoning out or letting
their mind wander away from the task at hand. For them, this may be a way to
leave a situation that feels too chaotic or uncomfortable; it’s a survival
mechanism of sorts. But to others, it may seem like you’re unfocused.
They don’t like
unexpected visitor, wait.... actually no one likes uninformed visitors. Kindly
respect peoples boundaries and plan and inform them before visiting them.
4. Yes, they are the most loyal people.
introvert knows quickly who they want to be a friend and who they don’t.
Introvert makes good friends they are trustworthy people. Because they
have a very small group of people they would always take time for you. Be sure,
the only reason they are talking to you and you are not zoned out, is because
they like talking to you. They are furiously loyal. Extrovert will zone you out,
the moment they find new friends.
They don’t trust people easily; you need to prove it to them. But once
they do, their trust is the strongest. They value genuine relationship.
5. They wished others loves as deeply as they do

They think about
their partner many times throughout the day, they want to know them better and
understand why they are the way they are and think of ways to do little things
for them.
That is why loyalty
is a big deal for them. If an introvert takes times to know you, you mean a lot
to them. If you have a friend who’s an introvert, they love and respect you
6. They’re not in the bad mood, they are just like that
An introvert is
usually thinking about something. They think about things all day long. Their
brains are constantly on the go. When someone sees an introvert, they
invariably form an opinion that they’re in a bad mood when nothing could be
further from the truth.
If you ask an
introvert if they’re happy, they’ll usually tell you that they are. If you get
to know an introvert and they consider you as a true friend, they’ll be one of
the most interesting people you’ll ever have a conversation with.
7. They’re non judgmental, forgive quickly, trust slowly.
An introvert is
quiet, observant and in deep thought most of the time. When they’re out in
public, they usually look around at everyone. They might people-watch to see
what’s going on. At times, it’s amusing.
At other times,
they’re getting a feel for what’s going on. This causes people to think an
introvert is secretly judging them. Most of the time, this isn’t the case. An
introvert doesn’t like wasting a lot of energy on matters like this.

People have little or no grasp of introversion. They assume that
company, especially their own, is always welcome. They cannot imagine why
someone would need to be alone; indeed, they often take umbrage at the
Concluding, Introverts are also humans, not aliens. They love the simple
things is life, like late night walk, candle light dinner, bike rides,
travelling to unknown countries, Trekking and other fun stuff. They just need time
to open up to the right person, once they open up, they can be a lot more fun.
Just you should remember to be sensitive to their trait.
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