7 Signs she is using you
Reading women can be really tricky. While she may have made you believe she’s really into you, she might as well just be using you for her own benefits. One day or the other, she’s going to leave you and it’s going to hurt real bad. You’re better off without such people in your life. Here are 7 signs she’s just not worth your time. Wake up, and walk off before you go too deep into her!

1. She calls you in the middle of the night if she needs you, but is somehow, always busy when you want someone to talk to. She expects you to listen to her problems patiently, but she never pays attention when you talk. She gets distracted easily, starts playing with her phone or changes the topic to something she wants to talk about.
2. She never seems eager to hang out with you usually, but if she’s getting bored, you’re the guy she calls up. She takes you along to parties because she has nobody to go with but starts ignoring you the moment she meets her friends there. She never makes any effort to make you feel comfortable around her group of friends.
3. She takes advantage of your chivalry and asks you for favours all the time. You get her phone recharged, you accompany her shopping when her girl best friends are busy. You’re supposed to pick her up, drive her around and then drop her too. She literally lives off you. She’s basically made you her bitch.
4. She never returns your calls or replies to your texts, unless, it benefits her in some way of course. She is always ready with excuses like “Oh, I forgot” and “I’m so sorry, I was just replying to you but…” But she gets mad if you do the same.

6. She makes you cancel other plans for her and then inconsiderately bails out on you at the end moment. What’s worse is that she’s never even sorry for being so insensitive. For her what you do is not a favor, but a duty to perform. She’s never apologetic for her mistakes, never. You can see it by the way she changes the situation by crying. It always ends up with you comforting her, even though she was at fault.
7. She’s more interested in how much you earn, which company you work for, the kind of people you hang out with, the restaurants you go than who you are as a person. She conveniently assumes that you’re going to pay every time you two go out.
In the end always remember this:
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