7 Kind of animal at work
Check out the animal inside you at work. All human can be associated with an animal. Like men are associated with the characteristics of dog and women to cat. Here are few animals you can easily associate with an employee.
Ass - Ass can be a hard working animal but it does only what is required by it to be done. For example you load a Ass back and direct the path, it will take you to the destiny, but it will not load the weight on its own and it will not go on a right direction unless you direct it all the time. Ass doesn't know what is going on around them, all they care about it greens (food).
Cats - They are the self proclaimed geniuses, all they care about it their make-up, hair and cloths. They are people from both gender, not just female. They don't give a damn about the work they do. They will be found in group talking very seriously about the office affair (Gossips) and the sale going on in the city. You can easily spot them in canteen and all hang out spot.
Lion - They are mostly the people with higher statue like managers, team leaders, shift leaders, etc. They have the lioness(the employees under them) to hunt for them, they prey on the food caught by them. They don't do a god damn thing but they have name and fame in the company. They are not afraid of stage and are generally good at communication. It is difficult to spot them, they rarely come out but you sure will hear their name often.
Hyena - This are are worst kind of people you will find it in a firm. They are clever and fucking pricks. They are well aware about the surrounding, the work you do, your strength and weakness. They don't know 'A-B-C' of hunting(work), they rely on others hunt(work). They have a unique way of presenting the work to the management, which makes them think that all the works are done by them. You can easily spot them and you might very well know them but you cant escape from them. They are very cunning and very annoying.
Fox - They are clever, they do exactly the things which will attract the attention of the management. They don't work over time, they don't work hard unnecessary. They are very career focus and they will do exactly what is needed to climb the steps of the firm and earn good package. They know the people who will help them climb the steps and they stay close to them. They will do anything for success, even if they had to push you in pit to obtain success.

Dog - They are faithfully to their managers, so faithfully that whatever falls in their ear directly falls on the ears of the manager. They are hated by the team but loved by the managers. All managers like having one or two. They never say no to whatever is said by the manager. The most annoying part about them is that when the manager is on leave, they act like they are the manager of the day. You can easily spot them waving their tail everywhere near the manager. They will laugh at all jokes made by manger, thou its never funny.
Polar Bear - Polar bear is known to be an solitary animal. It marks it own territory and hunts and lives on it. The only time its not solitary is when it wants "Sex". Watching polar bear explains a strong reason why being single is awesome. There are very few people in this zone like endangered species and in few office all around.They work alone, eat alone and leave home alone. They hate companies which very few people understand. They don't give a fuck to office politics nor to anything that is happening in the office. They like working alone and believe me it is awesome and in case they start any unnecessary conversation with you, remember which is the only time when polar bear needs company.

Cats - They are the self proclaimed geniuses, all they care about it their make-up, hair and cloths. They are people from both gender, not just female. They don't give a damn about the work they do. They will be found in group talking very seriously about the office affair (Gossips) and the sale going on in the city. You can easily spot them in canteen and all hang out spot.
Lion - They are mostly the people with higher statue like managers, team leaders, shift leaders, etc. They have the lioness(the employees under them) to hunt for them, they prey on the food caught by them. They don't do a god damn thing but they have name and fame in the company. They are not afraid of stage and are generally good at communication. It is difficult to spot them, they rarely come out but you sure will hear their name often.

Fox - They are clever, they do exactly the things which will attract the attention of the management. They don't work over time, they don't work hard unnecessary. They are very career focus and they will do exactly what is needed to climb the steps of the firm and earn good package. They know the people who will help them climb the steps and they stay close to them. They will do anything for success, even if they had to push you in pit to obtain success.

Dog - They are faithfully to their managers, so faithfully that whatever falls in their ear directly falls on the ears of the manager. They are hated by the team but loved by the managers. All managers like having one or two. They never say no to whatever is said by the manager. The most annoying part about them is that when the manager is on leave, they act like they are the manager of the day. You can easily spot them waving their tail everywhere near the manager. They will laugh at all jokes made by manger, thou its never funny.
Polar Bear - Polar bear is known to be an solitary animal. It marks it own territory and hunts and lives on it. The only time its not solitary is when it wants "Sex". Watching polar bear explains a strong reason why being single is awesome. There are very few people in this zone like endangered species and in few office all around.They work alone, eat alone and leave home alone. They hate companies which very few people understand. They don't give a fuck to office politics nor to anything that is happening in the office. They like working alone and believe me it is awesome and in case they start any unnecessary conversation with you, remember which is the only time when polar bear needs company.
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