7 Type of people to avoid to stay peacful

"People inspire you, or they drain you — pick them wisely." – Hans F. Hansen

If you could manage your emotions and remain calm even under pressure you have a potential to stay successful. One of the greatest instincts of successful person is the ability to identify people who are not worth their time and energy and keep them at bay.

It very important to know how to deal with different kind of people. The ability to filter the faker among the genuine people is a much needed quality successful men/women must possess.

You might have heard the story of Narcissist and Echo, which was written as old as in 8 A.D by Ovid. If not go through this Link. The “Narcissist” is a person who values themselves over anyone else. Initially, they might appear nice, but eventually you’ll realize that their needs and feelings are the only ones that matter. They will let you down whenever you need them and push you down if you come on their way to achieve something. For them they are the best thing in the world. They feel like everything revolves around them. 

This kind of people will never stop complaining about anything. They will complain even on the most perfect day. This people always complain and share everything that is going wrong or falling apart in their lives. They whine and whine about the things going wrong at their work, office, environment and almost everything they see. They like to point fingers and blame other people rather than accept responsibility for their actions and choices. They complain about their misfortunes instead of pro-actively changing their situation. This type of negativity will slowly bring you down too and make you a whiner too. Red alert - Stay away from them at all cost, they are highly contaminating. 

Gossiping is never bad, well when it is inside its limit. There is also study stating that gossiping relives stress. But when it becomes Obsessive compulsive gossiping then there is a alarm to stay away from them. They will utilize all the time to gossips about office happenings, they cannot help it, its like a drug. They do it to elevate themselves above their insecurity, and there's no distinction between speculation and fact. Remember: If a person talks bad about a person to you, there is a 99% chance they will talk bad about you to others.

This type of person might appear attractive and know all the right things to say, but their whole reason for being is to get their way into getting what they want. They lie with a smile on their face. They cheat, steal, manipulate and exploit. You cannot trust these people. Initially, they come off as nice and friendly. But as you get to know them more, you realize that they are insincere (Not expressing genuine feeling). They will do anything to get ahead in life even if it means hurting others along the way. They are very cunning and you would never know they are unless you fall into their trap. They would treat you well, spend lavish on you but all for a intention of using you. They will pay a small price to attain big from you. Once you lose your value they will not give a damn about you.


Drama Queens have a passion for making life a big mess. This character needs to be the centre of attention or to create a crisis everywhere they go. They won’t rest unless there is some kind of trouble in their lives or in the lives of people they know. They’ll often pit one person against the other and then sit back and enjoy the show. They somehow are able to create problems out of thin air. Either they’re in trouble and demand to be rescued. They have an urge for constant attention from people around them. They response to every situation in a melodramatic way, they are never normal. Also referred as "Damsel in distress".  

 These people have so much hate and anger in their souls. The worst thing is, they feel like they need to take it out on other people. The slightest provocation makes them physically and verbally abusive and violent. They are hard to be control and each and every word is measured when we talk to them. Their words are harsh, as their main motto while they are angry to hurt you in all possible way. 

All people lie, there is always a need to lie. If there is a important game going on, we all lie wanting to stay back home to watch the match but chronic liars are harmful because you never know what to believe, so you can't count on their promises or their word. They will lie to you about others, and they will lie to others about you. This also includes people who only tell you what they think you want to hear. If you can’t get an honest opinion or feedback from those closest to you, you will never become successful.


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